Remembering loved ones lost on 9/11 … today and always

Twelve years ago today, thousands of innocent lives were lost and our entire nation was struck to the core in a matter of seconds during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

In an instant and without warning, families, and friends have torn apart. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends, colleagues … lost in a horrific series of events, the effects of which are still being felt today.

Regardless of whether you knew them personally, you ached for the victims and their families’ loss. Your world stopped for a moment and you saw clearly what was most important in this life – the love and appreciation of your family and friends.

We always hear that life is precious, but sometimes it takes a tragedy to snap us back to reality and remind us what truly matters. Tonight when you get home, tell your family you love them and hug them a little tighter.

Nothing can bring back the loved ones we’ve lost, but perhaps we can find comfort knowing their memory and spirit lives on, and they will always be remembered in our hearts … today and always.


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