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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! The New Year brings a time of resolutions and new beginnings full of possibilities. I am just returning home from visiting family for the holidays. I can’t begin to tell you how much I treasure the time I get to spend with them, especially now that the family is spread all around. It is always a wonderful time to catch up with and provide care and support to aging loved ones. Often we will see, as I did, a decline in the ability of aging loved ones to provide for all of their activities of daily living. It may be a slight change over time or it may be a triggering event that causes a more rapid decline. Whatever the circumstance, every family should proactively begin to explore the options. Use the opportunity to plan and get organized for both the short term and long term possibilities.

When my mom and dad were both sick in the 1980s there were really not very many organizations available to find care and support. We have come a long way since then. Today, there are many support organizations that can help families, based on their loved one’s specific situation, and connect them with support services to care for the loved one or potentially provide respite care to the family caregiver. Some of these organizations include:

When my mom and dad were both sick in the 1980s there were really not very many organizations available to find care and support. We have come a long way since then. Today, there are many support organizations that can help families, based on their loved one’s specific situation, and connect them with support services to care for the loved one or potentially provide respite care to the family caregiver. Some of these organizations include:

Take the time during this New Year to proactively look at the possibilities for your loved one. Having a solid plan to address a care plan both short and long term will support the family Caregiving role. For more information check out the resources cited above or our website at I wish for you and your family peace, prosperity, and love this New Year.


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